Premium Conference Calling For Large Audience and Event Calls
Live operator-assisted options for large events and large audience or quarterly earnings release calls.
No matter what the purpose of conference calling, the efficiency and success of the call is of utmost importance. Dropped calls, weak signal, and incoherent clarity are simply unacceptable in the industry of conference calling, and CIA Omnigage, a leader in the field for two decades, understands this and delivers a superior experience all at a tailored price.
CIA Omnigage the provider of choice for a number of global firms, delivers a high level of premium sound quality during conference calls using state of the art digital technology. Our clients have remained loyal to us for two decades, and more are choosing CIA Omnigage every day. Premium conference services from CIA Omnigage features a real-time portal to view call statistics. In addition, CIA Omnigage also offers expedited transcripts and recordings of any call, giving you the opportunity to stay as organized as possible. Participant lists allow clients to see how many individuals of your target audience have been reached during the call.
As the provider of choice for many Fortune 500 companies, CIA Omnigage, is perfectly equipped to help you with your premium conference calling needs. With over 23 years of experience hosting large event conference calls that can include audiences in the 1000’s, we are the most trusted company serving the needs of large companies.
With plenty of helpful operators on hand, you can be sure that you’re calling with premium equipment and services. Give CIA Omnigage a call today and learn how to access premium conference calling.
Large Company Conference Call Features
Host Large Audiences Conference Calls With 1,000’s Participants
Very few companies can manage a call with 1,000’s of callers and ensure the success of the event. We handle 1,000’s of large audience conference calls every year because of our exceptional quality and service.
Manage Q & A Sessions
A live operator can control access on a large event conference call so that they can mute and unmute participants to allow for organized communications and interaction.
Custom Conference Call Introductions
Live conference call operators can read a custom introduction on a large audience conference call at the start of each call to convey the agenda for the large event conference call.
Live Stats In Conference Call Participant Portal
With large event conference calls the host will have access to a portal that provides a view of audience participation in real-time. The portal can show any participants who have entered the queue to ask questions.
Digital Recording and Playback
When a large event conference call is completed, a call recording can be valuable. It allows an organization to have a record of the large event conference call for future reference. But it also allows a company to provide access to a large audience of participants who may have been late or not present during the call. Some organizations even publish and allow access to the public.
Event Conference Call Transcripts
Our experienced team can translate your large event conference call after it is completed so that you have access to a typed document that is accurate. This portable transcript file can save time and money by giving an organization the flexibility to send these archived files to a selected audience.
Advanced Conference Call Sound Quality
Eliminating the background noise during a large event conference call is a critical goal for any organization. Our advanced digital technology provides crystal clear lines that have made us the choice of Fortune 500 companies for more than 23 years.