Client Instant Access Helps Real Estate Agencies
Services And Tools That Help Real Estate Agents Be More Efficient
Client Instant Access’s products have garnered acclaim from some of the biggest banks in the world, and one of the reasons for this is because of their multi-use nature.
Our Blast Voicemail, Integrated CRM Dialer system and Conference Calling are all products that can be used in multiple industries in order to streamline logistics.
The real estate industry is no different. There are a number of ways that real estate agents use our products in order to be more successful and to communicate with large amounts of people quickly.
Our Blast Voicemail product helps real estate agents let certain contact lists know about a house in a certain price range in a certain area that is for sale. A feature that the Blast Voicemail offers is the ability to make these contact lists.
A real estate agent can compile a list of people looking for specific houses and contact all of them when there is a house that meets their standards. This allows the agent to become more efficient and reach more of her clientele effectively.
Our Integrated CRM Dialer also helps real estate agents’ productivity. Using this product, real estate agents can call large amounts of people with just a click of a button. This allows the agents to call their clientele quickly and easily and inform them of time-sensitive updates.
The CRM Dialer note taking section also allows for agents to stay organized within their large contact lists. The note-taking section enables the agent to take notes about what their client wants, whether it be selling or buying a property.
All three of these products also allow the real estate agent to distinguish themselves from other agents. Since all the products are voice centered, agents have the freedom to add a personal touch to any communication to clients. This allows for real estate agents to be recognized and to have their brand improved overall.
Ultimately, real estate agents can benefit greatly from using Client Instant Access. If you are a real estate agent looking to get ahead, call CIA today!