Every business, no matter what size or what industry, must be prepared for emergencies. And in today’s world, those emergencies can range from employee misconduct to workplace violence to natural disasters and more. While most businesses won’t experience the worst of the worst, it’s important nonetheless to be prepared, and that means having a plan.
Creating a solid disaster recovery plan for your business in 2023 doesn’t have to be daunting, and you definitely don’t have to do it alone. So whether you’re a company in New Jersey looking to prepare for winter storms or a firm in the south preparing for a hurricane or anywhere across the U.S. where gun violence seems to be an everyday occurrence , preparation is key to ensuring you can quickly and safely respond to the emergency and protect your employees, your company’s interests and your community.
At CIA Omnigage, Omnialert, a mass notification system enables companies of every size and in every industry to prepare responses for critical scenarios and initiate emergency notifications, alerts, and actions that reach every member of your organization or community instantly. Our specialties include emergencies in the workplace, at schools and universities, in healthcare facilities and beyond.
Furthermore, once the disaster has passed, you need to focus on business continuity recovery i.e. the return to normal. We know the safety of your employees, your company and your community is critical important, so let’s get right into your disaster recovery plan.
How to Create a Solid Disaster Recovery Plan in 2023
Creating a solid disaster recovery plan is essential for businesses of all sizes to ensure you can recovery quickly and resume operations after a disaster. And since we’re the experts, we developed a step-by-step process for creating a comprehensive disaster recovery plan for your business in 2023.
First, you’ll want to conduct a risk assessment. During this phase, you will identify potential disasters that could impact your business, such as natural disasters, cyber activities, power outages, workplace violence and other disruptions. You should evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of each type of disaster so you can focus on the most profitable threats first.
Next, examine your critical business functions. Determine which are crucial to your operations and then prioritize them based on their importance to your business. For example, if your business deals with proprietary software and valuable customer data, you may want to focus on cyber attacks first.
Now that you’ve identified areas of risk, you can move to the creation of a disaster recovery team. This team is responsible for executing the disaster recovery plan, and it should include members from all relevant departments, including operations, IT, customer service and finance.
Next you’ll develop your business recovery strategies. These may include things like data backup and recovery, alternative communications channels and methods, and alternate work locations.
Communication is Critical During and Post-Disaster
Communication is one of the most important areas to focus on when going through and when recovering from a disaster. You want a coordinated company response, right? Ensure your communications team is positioned and prepared for fostering business continuity.
Develop a plan to inform employees, customers, families, communities, and other stakeholders. For example, your local government or industry regulatory agencies may require post-event summaries of the disaster, your actions and overall results.
Test, Test and Test Again
Before a disaster strikes, test your disaster recovery plan for your business in 2023 to make sure it’s current and effective. Conducting drills like table top exercises are a great way to identify any gaps in your response. Make necessary adjustments during each practice session to ensure your plan reflects the latest response information and processes.
Finally, well… there is no final step really. Reviewing and updating the plan are a continuous process. Leading businesses review and update their disaster recovery plan regularly, at least annually, to ensure operational changes as well as potential threats are fully examined.
By following the above steps, you can create a solid disaster recovery plan for your business that will help you recovery quickly and resume operations after a disaster. When your partner with CIA Omnigage, you have access to our many tried and tested tools and resources that can help you manage contacts, send texts, blast voicemails and/or email alerts as well as provide a consolidated view of responses and other metrics- perfect for a debriefed meeting.
Remember, preparation is key, and the time and effort invested in creating a disaster recovery plan can save your business from significant losses and downtime in the event of a disaster. Contact us today to get started.