Using Blast Voicemail To Communicate Research and Updates
Client Instant Access offers clients that use Blast Voice Mail and the Integrated CRM Dialer unique options for communicating with their clients and contacts. The most prevalent is the use of Blast Voicemail by Research Analysts. It has proven to be the most consistently used, as well as the most successful.
But how, in the new age of growing SMS messaging has the voice messaging industry continued to thrive? One of the reasons for this is because voice messaging gives Research Analysts the ability to personalize their research. Voice Communications using Blast Voice Mail adds an enhanced personal touch that SMS messaging lacks.
Although SMS messaging certainly has its advantages, in terms of blast communications, Blast Voice Mail continues to reign supreme. The limitations of an SMS message prevent it from being enough for clients to properly consume the intended message behind the research.
Since 1997, Client Instant Access has observed the growing creativity of Research Analysts communicating with their clientele, sometimes making song parodies or staging interviews as the content of the message. The method is timely and more clear than an SMS message. This has proved to be an excellent way for Research Analysts to brand themselves and make themselves stand out from the crowd.
Used in the correct way, Blast Voice Mail makes a much stronger impression than SMS messaging. Emotion or personal feelings are difficult to convey in simple text. Hearing a voice allows for greater expression and clarity that match the intended message.
Ultimately, all Research Analysts are looking for their research to be better understood and communicated properly so their clients are more successful. Using CIA’s Blast Voice Mail to distribute research reports, analysts can better serve the needs of clients.