Using Blast Voice Mail In The Education Industry
Solutions For The Education Industry
Communication within the education sector is unique in many ways. Outreach is needed for students, parents, faculty, and staff, with multiple messages and multiple audiences. Client Instant Access (CIA) offers a suite of services that provide telecommunication solutions to educators from elementary school to college.
School closures due to weather conditions are a constant challenge for school administrators. Leaders need to communicate with every single student and parent in a school district that classes are canceled. Blast Voicemail from the CIA provides a solution. Using a contact list consisting of every student’s home number, a principal or superintendent can easily record a voice message to deliver news to large numbers of people. Blast Voicemail’s success rate makes it the best solution.
Similarly, in universities, professors often need to cancel a class for various reasons. In introductory courses with hundreds of students, this can prove to be a challenge. Again, Blast Voicemail can solve this problem, with an instant notification to students that class is canceled. Blast Voicemail is far more useful than simply sending out an email to students because rather than relying on people to check their emails, people receive an actual phone call. This increases the success rate.
Blast Voicemail can also be used to reach out to prospective students at universities. When high school students visit college, they schedule a tour and provide the admissions office their number. College visits are often done in large groups, and students and parents must be reminded of times, locations, and other information. A great way to address this issue is to use Blast Voicemail an hour or so before the tour. This tactic increases retention and encourages students to get to their tours on time.
Finally, the education industry can adopt a conference calling to conduct college interviews. Often, students apply to colleges from out of state, and admission offices must make arrangements to screen potential applicants. With conference calling, an admissions office worker, the applicant, and the interviewer (who can be employed at the university) can all easily converse and conduct an interview remotely.