by CIA Omnigage | Aug 15, 2018 | Blast Voice Mail, Blog, Success Stories
Solutions For The Education Industry
Communication within the education sector is unique in many ways. Outreach is needed for students, parents, faculty, and staff, with multiple messages and multiple audiences. Client Instant Access (CIA) offers a suite of services that provide telecommunication solutions to educators from elementary school to college.
School closures due to weather conditions are a constant challenge for school administrators. Leaders need to communicate with every single student and parent in a school district that classes are canceled. Blast Voicemail from the CIA provides a solution. Using a contact list consisting of every student’s home number, a principal or superintendent can easily record a voice message to deliver news to large numbers of people. Blast Voicemail’s success rate makes it the best solution.
Similarly, in universities, professors often need to cancel a class for various reasons. In introductory courses with hundreds of students, this can prove to be a challenge. Again, Blast Voicemail can solve this problem, with an instant notification to students that class is canceled. Blast Voicemail is far more useful than simply sending out an email to students because rather than relying on people to check their emails, people receive an actual phone call. This increases the success rate.
Blast Voicemail can also be used to reach out to prospective students at universities. When high school students visit college, they schedule a tour and provide the admissions office their number. College visits are often done in large groups, and students and parents must be reminded of times, locations, and other information. A great way to address this issue is to use Blast Voicemail an hour or so before the tour. This tactic increases retention and encourages students to get to their tours on time.
Finally, the education industry can adopt a conference calling to conduct college interviews. Often, students apply to colleges from out of state, and admission offices must make arrangements to screen potential applicants. With conference calling, an admissions office worker, the applicant, and the interviewer (who can be employed at the university) can all easily converse and conduct an interview remotely.

Related Article: Keeping Alumni Connected
by CIA Omnigage | Aug 2, 2018 | News
Client Instant Access is pleased to announce that it will be a sponsor at the B. Riley FBR Annual Healthcare Investor Conference to be held at the New York Marriott East Side on September 4th. As the leading premium conference call provider for major Fortune 500 companies, Client Instant Access is excited to network with existing clients that use the company to host earnings conference calls and large event conference calls.
The B. Riley FBR Annual Healthcare Investor Conference
Our Healthcare Investor Conference will be held at the New York Marriott East Side. Our award-winning research analysts have gathered over 50 publicly traded companies and privately-held firms to showcase their stories in front of over 400 investors and corporate clients. Our conference is designed to provide all sponsors with a unique and rich business development environment that includes many opportunities to meet and network with influential decision-makers and individuals.
Our uniquely structured Healthcare conference features companies, hand-selected by our research analysts, to participate in 1-on-1 meetings and/or contribute to panel discussions within three distinct tracks covering topics related to The Great Debates – Controversies in Biotech, Chinese Capital Meets Western Innovation and A Generalist’s Guide to Healthcare. All participants will have the opportunity to participate in 1-on-1 meetings, enabling companies to personally share their stories with high-level decision-makers. Additionally, at the end of the conference, we invite all sponsors and conference attendees to join us at Lexington Brass Bar & Grill, located next door to the conference venue, to enjoy some hors d’oeuvres and cocktails during our exclusive Cocktail Reception.

How to Successfully Host a Large Event Conference Call

Do You Need Premium Conference Calling?
by CIA Omnigage | Aug 2, 2018 | Blog, Integrated CRM Dialer, Success Stories
Sales productivity tools have evolved over the years from simple spreadsheets with old-fashioned dialing, to newer advanced Integrated dialers that work with CRMs. What has remained the same, however, is the importance of effective communication in making a sale. Integrated Dialers provide a powerful platform to communicate with your target audience, and can also optimize a sales teams’ performance as a whole.
Dialing manually to make sales is antiquated and inefficient in today’s business world. An integrated dialer gives salespeople several advantages, from an organization of contact lists to an augmented quantity of calls. Client Instant Access’s Integrated CRM Dialer can also allow you to know exactly who you are calling with information from the advanced notes and attached client CRM records, allowing a personal touch in the process of a sale. If a salesperson has detailed information about the client they are calling, the probability for success on the call drops significantly. With the ability to sync contact lists from other CRMs, users can utilize the information provided by the CRM to help close a sale.
Predictive dialer products are at a disadvantage in the sales process when compared to an Integrated CRM Dialer because the salesperson is not initiating the call. Predictive dialers dial the customer before the salesperson so that the customer hears dead air for the first moments of the call. With CIA’s Integrated CRM Dialer, the salesperson initiates the call and is ready to talk when the intended person answers. During the call, a salesperson can take detailed notes within the CRM Dialer application that will sync with the CRM. This is a task automation tool that increases efficiency and cuts down on wasted time and should be an invaluable part of any sales process.
The click to dial feature of CIA’s CRM Dialer is perhaps the most crucial feature. Without the need to dial manually, users can double or triple the number of calls they can execute during a given period of time. With organized contact lists a user can move through a large inventory of correspondence comprehensively, and complete work efficiently with detailed record keeping.
Perhaps the biggest beneficiary of deploying an Integrated CRM Dialer would be a sales manager and upper management within an organization since they would now have access to the activities of their salespeople to ensure compliance and productivity. An organization would be able to better monitor the actions of individual salespeople and make conclusions and better decisions when evaluating productivity.
Ultimately, a CRM Dialer allows users to reach more clients in a shorter period of time and close a higher volume of business. It is a necessary tool for salespeople everywhere and should be employed by any business that wants coherence and professionalism in their sales departments.
by CIA Omnigage | Jul 18, 2018 | Blog, Integrated CRM Dialer
Time, Accuracy, Flexibility, Organization and Support
Here’s the challenge: take your huge customer database, attempt to contact large numbers of people at once, personalize the experience, and make the process efficient and cost-effective. Impossible? Not if you use an integrated dialer application. For organizations that need to contact hundreds of customers daily, this system automates the process, giving you the ability to interact with your clients in new and powerful ways. CIA offers an Integrated CRM Dialer, an integrated CRM Dialer application with key advantages. Here are the top 5 reasons why a CRM Dialer is the best way to interact with your customer base:
Time – Many companies have a call center team charged with working their way through long lists of names to contact. A CRM Dialer offers the ability to quickly and continuously contact clients, and either automatically leave a prerecorded message if the call drops to voice mail or connect the system to a live person if someone answers. The process potentially cuts down call time by a third, removes the frustration of waiting for someone to answer, and provides a delivery rate as high as 99%.
Accuracy – Accurate documentation of calls enables companies to gather data and intelligence on customer interaction. All calls are logged and processed, which makes it easy for managers to keep track of progress and employee productivity. A “Blast Report,” is generated after a call session and provides information about total time connected, success rates, and regulatory compliance.
Flexibility – A CRM Dialer is versatile and designed to integrate seamlessly with existing CRM systems or as a stand-alone, out-of-the-box solution. By contrast, the “Unified Application Environment” from Cisco, which has similar features, is limited in its ability to integrate with existing CRMs. A CRM Dialer works across industries, for firms big and small, with a user-friendly interface and simple, intuitive features.
Organization – Companies can customize different lists for unique client groups. When executing a blast, users don’t need to click on each client when the whole group is selected. Notes can be added to individual names in the database, to assist users in follow-up calls. Blasts can be launched anytime, from any location that has Internet access. A voice mail message can be delivered immediately or scheduled to be delivered at a later date. CIA even offers an app to make organizing and sending blasts simple and efficient.
Support – While a Cisco system requires dedicated hardware, a PBX phone system, and lots of maintenance, A CRM Dialer is a cloud-based system, which means lists can be created and managed, recordings can be made and calls can be launched from any location. Past recorded messages can also be archived for future use. CIA is always eager to help clients get full use out of their CRM Dialers and to assist with any questions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For more information on CIA’s Integrated CRM Dialer application, visit or call (973) 439-0088.
Related Article: Find Your Lost Customers – Proactive Communication Campaigns Using a CRM Dialer
by CIA Omnigage | Jul 12, 2018 | Blast Voice Mail, Blog, Compliance, Conference Calling, Integrated CRM Dialer
Privacy and security have always been a cornerstone of Client Instant Access and the protection of data. Client Instant Access retains the Payment Card Industry (PCI) certification and is The Provider of Choice on Wall Street for over 23 years because of the dedicated approach to a secure and robust environment for data integrity and security. All products and services are compliant within state, federal, and EU regulations and protect against any sharing of data.
What is GDPR?
In 2016, the European Parliament issued the release of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a law that regulates how companies protect EU citizen’s personal data. If a company collects data related to a European user, you must comply with the following:
- Give users the ability to access or delete their data.
- Let users know if any data breaches occur
- You must receive consent before acquiring any data
- Explain to users who you are, why you collect data and approximate time of how long it will be stored
How We Protect Clients
Client Instant Access has the most secure platform for Conference Calling, Blast Voice Mail, and an Integrated CRM Dialer System. Our customers remain, loyal clients because they know their data is safe and secure. As a leader in the highly regulated Healthcare and Financial Industries clients choose our secure platform. Leading Fortune 500 companies audit and monitor vendors before choosing an enterprise-level technology platform to deploy services such as Conference Calling, Earning Reports Broadcasts, Blast Voicemail, and Integrated CRM Dialers. That is why after 23 years of working with leading Fortune 500 firms, our platform is one of the most trusted.
Why is GDPR Important?
GDPR has specific rules on how companies protect individuals’ data. Compliance is more important than ever because there could be additional fines if a security breach results.
When does GDPR begin?
GDPR will be put into effect on May 25, 2018. It was approved by the European Parliament in April 2016.
Who does GDPR apply to?
GDPR applies to any company that works with the European Union. Client Instant Access is committed to offering services to our clients to help them comply with certain GDPR requirements. Give Client Instant Access a call today to lean more about our services.
Conference Calling
Having a reliable Conference Call platform like Client Instant Access allows firms to host a secure call experience. A company has full access to information about the call and can request any additional security messages if needed. Many of the largest fortune 500 companies have come to rely on us to provide top quality service for hosting large group conference calls, hosted earnings calls and hosted event calls that require maximum security..
Blast Voicemail
Blast Voicemail allows a company to communicate with large lists of clients in a matter of seconds. Business users that need to communicate a message quickly and clearly rely on Blast Voicemail.
Integrated CRM Dialer
CIA’s Integrated CRM Dialer is a web based CRM Dialer application that allows a large group of users to call customers at a minimal expense. A CRM Dialers top notch security and efficiency allows users to feel comfortable when communicating with a large number of users. CIA’s CRM Dialer application gives all the required data to management to monitor this type of call. They can then relay information about the call to different clients.